Operation of the effluent treatment and final disposal system, operating an effluent treatment plant with a maximum design capacity of 150,000 m3/day, and 7 pumping stations. The plant is capable of covering a population of 400,000 people by 2035 with a maximum design capacity of 150,000 m3/day.
The main facilities of the system are:
- Eight pumping stations distributed throughout the city (Punta del Chileno, Tacuarembó, Lausana, Parada 8, Terminal. Punta Salina, Rincón del Indio and San Rafael).
- Treatment Plant Pumping Station
- Pretreatment (fine screens, coarse screens and sand trap).
- Physical-chemical treatment (flocculation, sedimentation)
- Disinfection with UV technology
- Sludge Treatment (Thickening, Storage, Digestion and Dewatering with centrifuges)
- Odor Treatment
- Piriapolis Treatment Plant (pretreatment, physical-chemical treatment by flotation, disinfection and sludge dewatering, sludge dehydration)