Bridges over Arroyos Sauce and Minuano Route 1




Colonia, Uruguay


The works consist of the construction of two road bridges belonging to the new route 1 in the department of Colonia, between routes 2 and 22, over Sauce and Minuano streams.

The bridges are of the traditional girder type with 15 m spans of reinforced concrete structure. The beams are prefabricated and the diaphragms are post-tensioned.

The bridge over the Sauce stream is 120 m long and the one over the Minuano stream is 75 m long; the width of both bridges is 9.96 m.

They are performed:
- Direct foundation in Sauce stream bridge and foundation of 24 piles driving pipe in Minuano stream.
- 1,300 m³ of reinforced concrete