BUSINESS AREAS > CONSTRUCTION Industry back to AllCommercial and Industrial BuildingsHousingIndustrial buildings Borneo Building San José Housing University Residence of Paysandú Car One : Buildings 6 and 7 Magna Motors New Border Crossing Housing La Línea Terrazas del San Salvador Postcard Carmelo ORT Business School Faculty of Arts Ávalon Building Uruguayan American School UCU | San José Building Pavilion Building Warming pool Marinas de Carrasco June 8 Stadium Northern Regional University Center (CURNE) Kennedy Neighborhood Eviction Embassy of Italy UPM | Port Defensor Sporting Club Quorum Building Frigorífico Tacuarembó Datacenter Ing. José Luis Massera UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA : Semprún Building CONAPROLE : Spray Tower III Judicial Power | Montevideo Peace Justice Center Santa Rosa Group : Car One VITRIUM BUILDING | Downtown neighborhood, Montevideo PEPSICO : Warehouse Colonia Expansion Artigas Penitentiary Center | Ministry of the Interior INTENDENCIA DE MONTEVIDEO : Peñarol Neighborhood Housing INTENDENCIA DE CANELONES : Viviendas Proinco INTENDENCIA DE MONTEVIDEO | La Esperanza Civil Association MVOT | Tacuarembó housing building INSALCOR S.A. | Industrial Plant Expansion ESTANCIAS DEL LAGO S.R.L. | Solids Separation Plant APPLUS : Plants for technical vehicle inspections CONAPROLE : Nutritionals PEPSICO | Zest Cologne DIVINO : Expansion of the Industrial Plant of the Logistics Center Ártico – La Marea Punta del Este | Gastronomic Resort OSE : Soriano Street Building UDELAR : Cure Building UPM | Project Offices ENGLISH STORE : Car One Branch GRUPO SANTA ROSA : Car One Workshops